
The ramblings of a working, knitting, writing wife and mother.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bienvenidos a mi obsesion

I thought I would get a new blogspot so I could post pictures and other awesomeness easily and quickly. Now that I've said that I hope no one is going to get all excited about pictures, because there won't be that many. Nay, there may be none at all for many months at a time, but I'm very excited that I have the OPTION of pictures should I want them.

As is fitting with the first post of a new blog, here's a little bit about me. A snapshot of the person I am in this moment. I've had the privilege of being a wife to a wonderful duck for almost six years, the mother of an active and sparkling baby girl for almost one year, and the mother of two fur kids, Grizzly - the six-year-old English Mastiff, and Bean - the four-year-old gray cat.

We live in an apartment in the land of Eternal Sunshine, where I thought my Spanish speaking ability would come in handy. As it turns out, I should have studied Mandarin or Korean to get along in our particular neighborhood. But everyone is pretty friendly, though a bit "special", and we get on fairly well.

I have a job as an administrative assistant to the Principal Investigator of a Microbiology lab in the California Institute of Technology. It is every bit as prestigious as it sounds (for him). I'm mostly involved in scheduling travel to foreign lands so we can talk about electron cryotomography in other countries to other microbiologists who apparently get really excited when they hear about our microscope and what we've been doing with it. (When I say we, I really mean them. The geniuses who work in the lab.) I also organize parties, order paper clips and liquid nitrogen, and in general make sure that the dear scientists have their paths clear so they can do the research that will someday win us a Nobel Prize. And we will indeed win it someday.

My hobbies and interests are so vast that sometimes I feel guilty about it. Rich and I were very into snow sports when we lived in Idaho (skiing, snowmobiling, cross country skiing) and other outdoorsy activities like hiking, fishing, canoeing, camping, shooting, climbing, flying kites, and chasing cows. Now that we live here, our hobbies have dwindled somewhat considering that there is not that much snow (at least close by). Now we take nightly walks around the neighborhood and watch the peacocks following Grizzly to figure out what he is, scaring Asians with the bigness of the dog, and watching our baby grow at the speed of light.

We also watch a little bit of anime. We're just watching one series right now - Naruto, though I'm losing patience with it. The fights are drawing out with DragonBallZ flair, and I can't stand for that. My time it worth something! So they really need to pick up the pace soon, or I'm going to have to quit watching. Besides that, my favorite character has been swept away in darkness for far too many episodes to tolerate. Naruto and I may be parting ways shortly.

When I'm alone, I like to read. I'm into Jim Butcher at present, and my sister has made a convincing argument for His Dark Materials so that's on the list too. My favorite book of all time is The Little Prince, and I try to reread it often.

I also knit.

Haha! Look, three little words! All right, let me clarify. I knit a LOT. I have, um, a lot of yarn, possibly more than I can knit in this lifetime. I knit presents for my loved ones. I knit baby things for friends. I knit whatever people tell me to for a little money. I have, however, maxed out my space on yarn, and I also have spent my entire yarn fund just recently, so there will be no new yarn for quite a while. I'll tell the story of how I spent all that money in another post.

Sometimes I write. Fanfiction and novels, but it's so hard to get properly bored enough to be creative about writing. I'm trying, though, and perhaps someday I will be published. In the meantime, I am content with my life. My family is happy and thriving, and we all have what we need.

Except my daughter. Who apparently thinks she needs something right now!